What is SR&ED?
Scientific Research and Experimental Development program is a program developed and fully funded by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The Federal government created this generous program to support research and development in Canada, providing over $4 billion dollars in grant funding to over 18 000 Canadian companies each year.

What Can You Recover
It is possible to recover up to 64% per cent of qualifying expenditures in refundable or non-refundable grant funding in Alberta and British Columbia. Salaries, sub-contractor fees, and materials can be considered as eligible expenditures. We proudly serve businesses all over Canada (not just Alberta and BC).

How Do You Pay Us?
We are compensated on a success-only basis. We do not charge any money upfront. If you are not paid by the government, you owe us nothing. We charge 20% of what we get you from Alberta and Federal Government after you receive actual SR&ED refund cheque. We proudly serve businesses all over Canada (not just Alberta and BC).

We’ll Maximize Your Refund
Time-wise, it will take us about a month to gather all necessary technical and accounting information for your claim. CRA strives to process SR&ED claims within 90 days, meaning the whole process will take about 4 months. It also depends on your willingness to supply us with information on technical and accounting sides of your claim. We proudly serve businesses all over Canada (not just Alberta and BC).
Watch the short
video and see how we work
